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Posts tagged as “local”

CalTrans, The Movie

When the first tree sitters protesting the Willits Bypass were extracted from their perches earlier this spring, the CHP and CalTrans brought in a professional “videographer” to film the process. Given the technology and expertise of modern filmmakers, the movie made by CalTrans and the CHP would never be allowed as evidence in a court of law. But it was posted on the CalTrans and CHP websites for the edification of general public where most people probably assumed they were watching the event as it actually happened.

Bird’s Eye View

Greetings one and all. If you are sitting comfortably then I shall begin. And for a change, how about we get straight into the Public…

Oh Danny Boy

  There’s little to be said about Dan Hamburg’s latest controversy surrounding the burial of his wife in his own back yard. What the hell,…

Road Rage Randall

Arthur Randall, a Ukiah tow truck driver by profession, knows his way around town, and the quickest way to get from South State Street to…

Off The Record

RICHARD POOLE JR. and Scott Anderson came by the Boonville office the other day. They’d driven down from Willits where Poole owns property at 195…

Valley People

MASSIVE ABALONE interdiction in Boonville Monday morning. A large number of Fish and Game wardens set up a roadblock at the Boonville Fairgrounds. Through traffic…

Phone, Power & Water

Change is inevitable, even in Anderson Valley. Some aspects of the valley have changed markedly from when I first arrived in the late 1950s and…

Bird’s Eye View

Greetings one and all. If you are sitting comfortably then I shall begin. With so much happening over the next week or two around these…

Off The Record

THE MENDOCINO Major Crimes Task Force, led by the legendary Peter Hoyle, was busy in Point Arena this week. Seems that someone with the initials…

Valley People

WE'VE BEEN HOUNDING Deputy Squires to submit to a debrief in the form of an interview, but the Deputy says No. We had a title…
