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Posts tagged as “local”

Valley People

CYNDI WILDER WRITES: The AV Senior/Community Center has an expanding vegetable garden that is providing some of the produce for the meals there. All community members are encouraged to take advantage of this local food…

AVA’s Best & Worst Of 2011

Best Wine Industry Writing: Will Parrish's on-going series about the industrial booze business's many depredations, social and environmental. Worst wine writing: A tie between the Chronicle and the Santa Rosa Press Democrat whose staffs turn…

Bird’s Eye View

Greetings one and all. If you are sitting comfortably then I shall begin. Well that’s Christmas/Whatever-you-call-it ‘done and dusted’ and now on to Act 2 — New Year’s Eve! Try to enjoy yourselves and if…

Lives & Times Of Valley Folks: Terry Ryder

I met with Terry at the conference room upstairs in the Farrer Building in downtown Boonville where she had arrived just before me with coffee and cinnamon rolls from Mosswood Market next door. Things had…

My Days As Justice Of The Peace

Before the Judicial Council was voted in by the people of the State in California, the local judge was a Justice of the Peace and was known to the people as a J.P. He would…

North Coast Dems Tighten Their Grip

In what is probably a first in the history of wine's conquest of all arable land in northern California, a 528-acre expanse of former wetlands in southern Sonoma County is set to be converted into…

Solo In Covelo

The court was waiting for the defendant, Ira ‘Redhawk’ Reyes. Reyes was on his way to the County Courthouse in Ukiah from his home in Covelo. We knew Redhawk was on the way because his…

Congressman Thompson’s Celestial Snoops

Most people are at least dimly aware that our government murders whole families of vaguely identified terrorists by unmanned aircraft called drones. The drones, which also take high-resolution photos, are operated by a video-raised kid…

Off The Record

THE ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICE OF THE COURTS (AOC) — front group for the state's pampered judges — has reversed the order for its two preferred sites for the new Ukiah courthouse, putting the railroad depot parcel…
