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Posts tagged as “local”

Citizen O’Brien’s Right To Petition

I, Dennis O’Brien, hereby declare: My name is Dennis O’Brien. I am a resident of Mendocino County, at least 18 years of age, and a citizen of the United States. On April 16, 2012, at…

Off The Record

A FEDERAL TASK FORCE raided the Potter Valley family property of Mendocino County Under-Sheriff Randy Johnson last Thursday (October 11th). The raid team included DEA, FBI and IRS agents who are said to have confiscated…

Valley People

RYAN J. WALLIS, 32, of San Francisco, has been arrested for suspected drunken driving and vehicular manslaughter in the death of his younger sister in a 3am single vehicle crash near Navarro early Friday morning…

Panther Soccer 2012

With seven league games to go, AV was in third place in the standings, just a point behind 2011 Champions, Roseland Prep, and a further two points behind Calistoga, both of whom still have to…

Off The Record

IT TOOK the better part of three days but a jury is seated for the Billy Norbury murder trial. Opening statements began Tuesday morning. Norbury, 34, faces a murder charge with a special allegation that…

Valley People

THE FLYNN FIRE was declared fully extinguished late last Thursday. A small army of CalFire vehicles still packed the parking lot of the Boonville Fairgrounds early last Wednesday morning, but from everything we'd heard from…

Bird’s Eye View

Greetings one and all. If you are sitting comfortably then I shall begin. Let’s start with these October Birthdays that are being celebrated in the Valley. ‘Many Happy Returns’ to Jo Gowan, Sheri Hansen, and…

Incident At Bald Hills

This day was going to be a quiet and productive for me — no trips to Ukiah or Mendocino or Fort Bragg for Cow Lick’s. I had lots of study to do on my Biblical message for this Sunday at Philo Methodist Church.

Greenwashing Forest Destruction

The forests of the world are in deep trouble. One especially sobering illustration is as follows. 1970 is commonly cited (erroneously) as the year environmental movement was born. Yet, according to the World Wildlife Fund,…
