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Posts tagged as “local”

Bird’s Eye View

Greetings one and all. If you are sitting comfortably then I shall begin. So how was your Christmas? Did the new sweater fit? Did it still fit after dinner? Did you keep the receipt for…

End Of The Year Awards

Biggest Boondoggle, Ongoing — The Willits Bypass has been allocated hundreds of millions of public dollars but will not only be built with no on and off ramp at Highway 20 to Fort Bragg, meaning…

Gifts For Mendo

Back on December 10th, the Mendocino Supervisors invited Mendocino Redwoods executives to discuss their Habitat Conservation Plan. The plan covers 80 years and would bind the government but not the company to its stipulations once…

Off The Record

THE NEW COUNTY COURTHOUSE is proceeding whether the rest of us want it or not, and few people apart from our cossetted cadre of judges, do want it. A new County Courthouse is not needed.…

Valley People

THE WILDEST WEATHER in some time has been pounding the Northcoast, with Anderson Valley absorbing a dozen direct lightning strikes between Boonville and Philo with accompanying blasts of thunder Thursday night/Friday morning. We expected to…

When I Was Justice Of The Peace

Before the California Judicial Council was voted in by the state legislature, the local judge was a justice of the peace and was known to the people as a JP. He would be a local…

Bird’s Eye View

Greetings one and all. If you are sitting comfortably then I shall begin. Hopefully you’re enjoying the spirit of the Holidays and may Hummingbird and I wish you and yours the very best of health…

The Goldeneye Diaries

Thursday was a half-day for us temporary types at Goldeneye, and I spent the morning grape sampling the Narrows Vineyard with Danny. The fruit in these recently sulfur sprayed blocks in the deep end was…

Burnt Out On Fire Suppression

Walking through the chalky gray ashes and charred remains of the lifeless shrub forest that spans the canyons and slopes of North Cow Mountain, the peak of which is roughly eight miles northeast of Ukiah,…
