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Posts tagged as “local”

Valley People

THE SF CHRON of 26 February featured a front-page story on Boontling called "Famous Last Words — Boontling speakers sad to see celebrated local dialect fade away." And, above the fold, a color photo of…

The Old Philo Post Office

In this era of e-mails, instant-messaging and tweets, it can be difficult to remember the importance of the local post office in earlier times. In many rural communities, the post office was the epicenter of…

River Views

Last week’s AVA contained a letter to the editor from a spokesperson for a group that calls itself “Friends of Enchanted Meadow (FOEM).” FOEM presently seeks $15,000 in donations for a matching grant to preserve…

Homeless Forum

Unable to attend the forum on the homeless that was held in Mendocino near the end of January, I did read the three articles in the Mendocino Beacon that reported in some detail and with…


Ever since The Warbler rigged herself to a rope and harness in the early morning of January 28, then hoisted herself precisely 71 feet high into a ponderosa pine tree slated for chainsawing by CalTrans,…

Tomlin Out! Turmoil Roils The Valley

A 3-2 majority of Anderson Valley school trustees, meeting in closed session a week ago, had informally stated their intention not to renew the contract of Boonville high school principal, James Tomlin. Monday night, before…

With Audits Like These…

With great fanfare last July, Governor Jerry Brown launched an “investigation” into “the circumstances surrounding significant budgetary irregularities at the California Department of Parks and Recreation dating back to at least 2000.” Governor Brown also…

Off The Record

LOOK FOR A LIVELY pro-gun rally in front of the County Courthouse this Friday at 5pm. Organizer Dan Kuny said Monday, “We're not with any organized group. Just local, law-abiding people angry about how we're…

Valley People

OUR CROWD COUNTER said 120 people attended Monday night's school board meeting in the high school cafeteria. As you probably know by now the school board voted 3-2 not to renew Jim Tomlin's contract as…
