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Posts tagged as “local”

Structure Fire on Vista Ranch in Anderson Valley

A fast moving house fire destroyed a large residence on the Vista Ranch Road not far from Boonville Thursday morning. The destruction was so complete that the Fire Department called for an excavator after the…

You Watched the Fire? Here’s What You Saw

The conflagration in downtown Boonville last Thursday afternoon drew crowds of neighbors, valley locals, and firefighters. If you were among the first two groups, you might have some questions about what the third group was…

Fire in Downtown Boonville

A fire that began in a small home next door to Anderson Valley Market blew up into a fast-moving blaze that burned two more small homes, Lizzby's Restaurant and the Pic 'N Pay Market. The…

Smells Like Money

If you’re like most people in the valley, you get to Boonville fairly often. You eat in the cafes, you hit Rossi or the Drive-in, get some groceries at Boont Berry or AV Market. You’ve…
