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Posts tagged as “local”

El Classico de Michoacan

Michoacan is the mostly rural Mexican State from which the vast majority of Hispanic people in this Valley originate – they tell me that it is not dissimilar to Anderson Valley in many ways. As…

Bird’s Eye View

Greetings one and all – if you are sitting comfortably then I shall begin. Let’s start with something I have found myself pondering quite often of late. “Is everything referred to these days as ‘awesome’…

Off The Record

MENDOCINO COAST TELEVISION has been forced to cease operations. It was an important, sometimes pivotal, public media for many years, bringing public meetings into the livingrooms of Coast residents in the Fort Bragg-Mendocino area plus a wide range of cultural offerings.

Valley People

EVERYONE who knew Dick Durrett is saddened to learn of   his passing. A long time resident of Yorkville, Mr. Durrett had been ill for some time. A quiet, modest man in a noisy time,…

Case Closed

Accompanied by a DNA analyst from the state's Department of Justice office in Eureka, Sheriff Tom Allman announced Tuesday that the 1988 rape and murder of Georgina Pacheco had been solved. Robert James Parks, a…

The Talmage Flag Burner

Doff your hat and clap your hand over your heart! If in uniform, snap to attention and salute! Run up the colors, and play “The Stars and Stripes Forever”! “I’m not safe at the jail,”…

On Whose Say So?

Anticipating a federally funded runway improvement grant, the Boonville Airport Committee put out bids for an engineering consultant early this year. It’s been several years since Boonville International's Air Strip crew had surveyed the engineering/consulting…

Off The Record

AS PREVIOUSLY REPORTED, THE COUNTY OF MENDOCINO (and Auditor Controller Meredith Ford acting in her official capacity), is being sued by the cities of Ukiah, Fort Bragg and Willits. All counties in California charge a…

Valley People

“SHORTLY before noon Monday, a trench on the Holmes Ranch near Philo caved in, injuring a man. No details yet.” That was all we had yesterday. Further investigation reveals the site as the Duckhorn vineyard…
