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Posts tagged as “local”

Berry Picking

There’s nothing like indulging in the late summer pastime of roadside berry picking to renew your appreciation for the free bounty of edibles Mother Nature provides us with, coming from the invasive species Himalaya Blackberries.…

Bird’s Eye View

Greetings one and all. If you are sitting comfortably then I shall begin. Just stating what I thought was the obvious until a couple of recent incidents. if your dog appears to panting excessively or…

River Views

The Mendocino Community Network (MCN) provides internet access to many in Mendocino County. The MCN Discussion List was designed to be “an open, unmoderated list intended for the discussion of items relevant to the residents…

Off The Record

WE’VE COMPLAINED for years that California River Watch, vaguely based in Occidental (Sonoma County), is operated as a  shakedown racket by a man named Jack Silver. Silver rifles the reports filed by municipalities with the…

Valley People

A CLOSER LOOK at the thuggish dismissal of Kathy Corral reveals that the overall survival of the Anderson Valley Health Center might be more precarious than many of us thought. The dental clinic has been…

Living In A Wick Drain Stitcher, Part 1

The first time I saw one of the Big Blue Towers, I was perched about seventy feet above it, albeit more than a half-mile to its north. It was this past Friday, May 17th, and I was sitting in a four-by-eight platform suspended from the crotch of a several-hundred-year-old valley oak tree, which stands like a sentinel on the edge of an Oregon ash grove north of Willits, adjacent to Highway 101.

Treeless Logging, Mendo Style

Mendocino County owns 57 acres of “productive timberland” near Little River Airport on the Coast. The property was profitably logged back in 1996 during the “cut and run” days as Louisiana-Pacific and Georgia-Pacific finished decimating…

Peter Richardson, Take Two

With the announcement by Dr. Sanjay Gupta on CNN Sunday that marijuana has been shown to reduce the size of cancer tumors, the testimony of Dr. John Palmer Lovejoy in the medical marijuana case of…

Off The Record

JOHN CHAMBERLIN'S MEMORIAL PARTY will be Saturday, August 31, at the Greenwood Community Center in Elk, from 3 to 11 pm. Potluck and bring your own drinks. Music by dozens of John's friends, a silent…
