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Posts tagged as “local”

Creatures Great & Not So Great

In my years in Anderson Valley, from the late 1950s to the late 1980s, I experienced plenty of local wildlife: a sea of baby toads on every sandbank along lower Rancheria Creek in early summer,…

Lauren’s Favors Local Flavors

One afternoon when I was eating lunch with Barbara Goodell at Lauren’s Restaurant I overheard Barbara and Lauren discussing a story that was to be written about Lauren’s Restaurant with an emphasis on local food.…

Bird’s Eye View

Greetings one and all. If you are sitting comfortably then I shall begin. So we had a little rain, eh? Got to be good news for many folks, although some people I spoke to had…

Off The Record

RICHARD PETERSEN has died. The famous Ukiah-based criminal defense attorney had been ill with cancer for some time, and passed away Monday in Belvedere, Marin County. THAT DISPUTE between County Auditor-Controller Meredith Ford and DA…

Valley People

THE SCANNER CRACKLED Monday with the ominous news that a woman at the Hanes Ranch west of Boonville had suffered “full cardiac arrest.” The next bulletin instructed emergency responders that the woman, Michelle Hanes, had…

It’s Meth, Not Drugs

The joke in Anderson Valley is that the meth tasting rooms begin on the Deep End (Navarro) where the wine tasting rooms leave off. It’s one of those jokes based on regional conceits, the need…

More Panels, Less Help

On September 17th, a panel calling itself the Coastal Homelessness and Mental Health Action Group met for the first time in the conference room of the Fort Bragg Police Department. The only form of law…

CalTrans Destroys Archeological Site

A federal historic preservation agency called out Caltrans last week for a “major breach” of its commitment to protect historic properties, as required by the project’s environmental impact statement. The Sherwood Valley Rancheria of Pomo…

Panther Soccer 2013

The past week witnessed a couple of big matches in the high school boys soccer season that may well have a significant impact on the season as a whole. These were against Roseland Prep from…
