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Posts tagged as “essays”

A Tale of Two Trees

One of the most famous trees in music is the one hymned by the title character in the opening scene of Handel’s 1738 opera Xerxes.…

At the Dentist

The last thing I wanted to do was piss off my dentist. As usual whenever I get in trouble my lament is: “But I didn’t…

Regulate Short-Term Vacation Rentals?

What do you think of the idea of Mendocino County restricting and/or regulating so-called short-term rentals (STRs), rented mostly by vacationing tourists? What about the…

Be Sure to Leave the Light On for Us

I’ve been in this Carolina town about 15 minutes (couple months, actually) and already I’m more knowledgeable about its roads and streets than after 100…

Mendocino County Sports, A Look Back

I can only testify to the Mendocino ball players I saw play or played with and against. Being from a sports oriented city like Fort…

Props for the Proto Pipe

Proper respect for a product made in the USA — in Willits! — was conferred by the Los Angeles Times October 30.  Given the popularity of the…

‘It Was Lonely’

William Evers, known as the Redbearded Burglar, is a 40-year-old man who knows what awaits him in the coming months. After nearly a year in…

When Fort Bragg Had a Real Railroad

One hundred years ago you could get on the California Western Railroad in Fort Bragg at 8:15 in the morning and ride the train to…

The Omicron Variant

The news media has been buzzing with articles about a new COVID variant, B.1.1.529, which was first identified about two weeks ago in South Africa. …

Dollars for Bums

I was on my way north to visit my mother in Tacoma and I stopped at a rest area in Oregon where I noticed the…

Housing and the Homeless in Berkeley

When Osha Neumann sees people living on the streets of Berkeley and Oakland he doesn’t feel a sense of hopelessness or powerlessness. Nor does he…
