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Posts tagged as “essays”

The Place To Be

After clubs and concert halls shut down in March of 2020, the enterprising and exuberant pianist Emmet Cohen invited the cameras and microphones into his…

Play Ball!

With the 2022 major league baseball season barely begun, a starting player on a prominent team lost his job. Though not in itself unusual –…

Tres Amigas Do Southeast New Mexico

"It ain't new and it ain't Mexico," so says a popular bumper sticker. Everywhere we three traveled everything we saw was old, very old. Millions…

The Etymology of 420

Your correspondent got invited to an “Eve-of-420” bash on April 19, 2016, at a club in San Rafael started by the Phil Lesh of the…

Raising Wheat In Anderson Valley

Wheat was one of the main crops raised in Anderson Valley by the first homesteaders. In 1864, John Gschwend built a waterwheel powered grist mill…

Prolonged Grief Is Now An Illness

In a tremendous win for Big PhARMA, the American Psychiatric Association has added “Prolonged Grief Disorder” to its Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorder…

The Writer

He lived in the attic of a four-story Victorian house built after the big quake. Once a queen now more Cinderella, it tilted downward at…

A Tribute to Morris Caraway

You probably knew him even if you never caught his name. You likely saw him driving his red Mustang on the 128. Maybe you saw…

No Game For Old Men

I’d like to say the 2022 baseball season has me all excited, as amped up and thrilled as a front page Ukiah Daily Journal headline…
