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Posts tagged as “essays”

According to Plan & Without a Host

For all the narcissism, self-promotion and just plain old bad taste, the annual Academy Awards have an unnerving propensity for making unwanted, Weinsteinian advances on…


It grows to three to four feet in height, with one to nine funnel-shaped flowers. It protrudes a yellow throat and pink flowers above that…

Bogart Weather

Sunny California is dark and rainy, just like it so often was in the great film noirs Hollywood churned out in better cinematic times. The…

I Meet Hoyle & Hendry (Part 9)

Someone, I don’t remember who, said “Joe Munson has a target on his back. He’s an outlier with a history.” In fact, it’s not much…

Oscar Bytes

I like to keep up with the Academy awards to see just how much Hollywood has lost its mind from year to year. And since…

The Eliza Bowman Story (Part 2)

In this space last time we covered the early life of Eliza Durbin Bowman. Additionally, the previous piece contained some history of the relations of…

The Tale of the Sacrificial Ford

There is nothing quite like a good nap, especially when one is getting on in years and the normal nighttime sleep cycle starts getting interrupted…

Maureen ‘Mo’ Mulheren

If you’re a politician these days it’s hard to separate yourself from the pack. Everybody wants better schools, affordable healthcare, a livable wage, an unpolluted…
