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Posts tagged as “essays”


Judge Faulder invited your trusty correspondent into his chambers last week for a little discussion on Objectivity In The Press, opening with the White Queen’s…

Biloxi Days: The Leak

I happened to be in the office of Chief Master Sergeant Ralph Johns, the Field Maintenance superintendent, when he received a call from Sergeant Wilkins…

David Hope & Son

Fort Bragg resident David Hope, Sr., is 96 years old and has spent nearly the whole of his professional life in the timber business, almost…

My Visit to the DWR

With so much water this year, you probably think the state wouldn’t care about water for the coming growing season. Well, I am one of…

My Big Bust (Part 12)

This is the way the bust went down. I was standing in my house with a bag of cat food in my arms, and I…

A Rub and a Tug

Friend and colleague Tommy Wayne Kramer commented recently on the baffling proliferation of Asian massageries in Ukiah, something I myself have mused over and discussed…

Winter Rail Escapade for 5,000 Miles

Every few years my husband and I save enough to go on a tour with our favorite travel group, Mountain Outin’. The tour director finds…

What’s Eating San Francisco?

If you drive around San Francisco and go up and down its many hills, you will notice long lines of people standing on the sidewalk…

I Hear You Knocking, But…

The problem with opportunities is that, in the moment, they are not always recognizable as such. Often they are just things that happen, mundane, forgettable…

Biloxi Days: The Complaint

The first T-28 trainers arrived at Keesler Air Force Base in early 1967. Colonel Slaughter and I arrived in late 1968. Prior to the arrival…

Bach in Chico

From Stanford University in Palo Alto, California northwest to the State University of California at Chico it’s a neat 200 miles—the kind of distance the…
