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Posts published in “Day: July 1, 2024

Mendocino County Today: Monday 7/1/2024

Sprayed | Hot Week | Hollyhock | Fire Weather | Thursday Concerts | Tragic Murder | Sheriff Kendall | Heat Wave | Grand Opening | Meeting Highlights | Poppies | Barn Party | Yorkville News | Acanthus | Philo Rental | Ed Notes | Yesterday's Catch | Prop 47 | Unsung Heroes | Rural Schools | Smoke Break | Beavers Released | Claude Monet | Inside Heartwood | William Burroughs | Trump 2.0 | Mind Matter | Dem Enablers | Liston Punch | Wire World | Fringe Painter | NYT Stories | Media Decay | Kalki Avatar


Last week MarijuanaMoment sent out a piece hedded “Prohibitionist Group Represented By Former Trump AG Barr Urges DEA To Delay Marijuana Rescheduling Process.” It was a non-story (and Trump's name didn't belong in the headline),…

Chapter Two: Rainbow Finds A Home In The Valley

To begin, let me report that after submitting the previous Rainbow story to the Advertiser, it occurred to me that I had not asked the interviewee the origins of his pseudonymous moniker. One windless spring…

Re-Writing D-Day

At the end of WWII, it was generally recognized that the Soviet Union and saved Europe. Russians killed 80% of all German soldiers. The Nazi invasion of Russia, biggest military onslaught in history, happened 3…
