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Posts published in “Day: June 20, 2024

Mendocino County Today: Thursday 6/20/24

Fires | Church | Interior Warming | Fog | Small Farming | Local Events | Skatepark Thoughts | Mural Art | Summer Fun | Hypnosis Program | Elk History | Weed Country | Anemic Bills | Football Camp | Courthouse Mystery | Mendo Fourth | Ed Notes | Yesterday's Catch | Sketchy | Rookie Caitlin | Press Freedom | Artist Annoyance | Perfect Wife | Ted's Cabin | The Earthquake | Consolation Prize | Willie Mays | Storm Clouds | Sam Spade | Old Hateful | Trump Klan | Juneteenth | NYT Stories | Hot Today | Waking Up | Modern Vampire | Nonfiction Reading | Grains

Valley People 6/20/24

Re: SNWMF cancellation. That wasn’t on my BINGO card. Since the announcement says nothing about refunds, I’m guessing that there won’t be any. Musicians, vendors, the fair, local businesses, law enforcement, etc. will likely take…

Last Of The Ink-Stained Wretches

Journalism, once a noble calling, is now an embarrassment; reporters have reputations worse than used car salesmen. I did newspaper work 35 years, then morphed into a private investigator. Asked about my former career I…
