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Posts published in “Day: June 18, 2024

Mendocino County Today: Tuesday 6/18/24

Noyo Gulls | Warming | Rasta Refunds? | Grass Fire | Point Fire | Local Events | Cline Statement | Westport Landing | AVUSD Updates | Eco Artists | Giants Tickets | Local ISPs | Buttons | Greenwood Ranch | Ukiah Joke | Sea Monster | Destroying Rail | Get Funky | Destroying Pillsbury | Painted Watertank | Ed Notes | ALRFPD BBQ | Young Bear | Navarro Mouth | Pledge Drive | Automatically Participating | Yesterday's Catch | Casa Madrona | Free Gaza | Big Fall | Consarn | Caitlin/Wilt | Passengers | Interesting Times | Bogie Dogging | Not Fit | Now Hiring | Go Figure | Explanation | NYT Stories | Dream Pillows | Trumpism | Encouraged Discussion | Why I'm Running | Fighting

Fresh Off the Boat

California fisheries are considered a “Legacy Industry” that sustains local families while helping to attract tourists. Shockingly, the California commercial fleet that included 5,000 boats in 1980 diminished to only 464 vessels by 2022, and…

Retro Frisco, Retro Mankind

To call it “Frisco” is in and out itself a retro act of defiance. I don’t know anyone today who calls it Frisco, though Jack Kerouac, Mr. On The Road, did decades ago. Go to…
