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Posts published in “Day: May 20, 2024

Mendocino County Today: Monday 5/20/24

Cool | Hills | Frost Fans | Gravesite Robbed | Challenging Dynamic | DUI Guilt | Speaker Rivas | Art Center | Palace Position | Pet Inky | Ukiah Institutions | Grandfather Rocks | Animal Care | Rate Increases | Atomic Test | Ed Notes | Yesterday's Catch | Farmworker Pay | JFK Quote | Dog Insurance | Clean & Sober | Illegal Weed | Debate Conditions | Flat Globe | Threat Response | Hung Laundry | Managing Hypertension | Mr Sketchum | Eurovision Neutrality | Billboard Painters

The Many Voices Of Sheridan Malone

The most shocking jolt I’ve ever experienced at an onstage performance came in the 1980s at the Ukiah Playhouse.  Daughter Emily and I were happily…

Big Tech Accelerates Isolationism

By producing such extremes of wealth, big tech is returning us to a kind of feudalism, with a few powerful figures accountable to no one.…
