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Posts published in “Day: May 16, 2024

Mendocino County Today: Thursday 5/16/24

Cooling | Gloria Abbott | Boil Water | Eigenman Gathering | Biker Weekend | Fire Season | Department Merger | Mosplaining | Polypody Ferns | BOS Legacy | Hospital Meeting | Impact Report | Ed Notes | Dewdrops | Eysters Eyes | Coast Clownin | Unhinged Individual | Horsetail Fern | Crooked City | Yesterday's Catch | Early Pride | Huffman Beseiged | Lego Cops | Lasagna Love | Humboldt Investigation | Years Later | Water Issues | Laziest Boy | AI Journalism | Casette Surgery | Anti-Tax Measure | Like Cohen | Debatable Decision | Hellbound | Left-Handed Wrench | Stay Gone | Drawing Comparisons | Sam Tears | Genocidal Policy | Capone Kitchen | AR-15 | Joe Brady | Chain Bull

Ukiah City Manager Cuts Off Palace Hotel Discussion

City Manager Sage Sangiacomo cut off public discussion at a City Council meeting on Wednesday night about a highly anticipated permit application that will determine…

Letters (May 16, 2024)

I just watched the BOS supervisors meeting today and I must say, I am appalled by how item 4i was handled.…

Cops On Campus Are The Real Outside Agitators

Nothing agitates a campus as dramatically as the arrival of the cops. Indeed, the cops have been the only real outside agitators on campuses across…
