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Posts published in “Day: April 27, 2024

Mendocino County Today: Saturday 4/27/24

Sunny | Barn | Contested Station | Trash Boat | Author Talk | ABC Suspension | Grazing | The Observer | Songbird Busking | Celebrating Irv | Groundwater Study | Wildlife Discussion | Streetscape Forum | Grange Rental | Seabiscuit Statue | Ed Notes | Plant Sale | Palatial Bummer | Tribal Health | Useful Exercise | Rogue PG&E | Exit Date | Cautionary Tale | Throwing Money | Relapse Happens | SNWMF 2024 | Feeding Hummingbirds | Inner Jim | Yesterday's Catch | No Leaders | Think Tank | Marco Radio | Misfits | Mausoleum Marilyn | Mitt History | Social Slavery | Prefontaine Ran | Sunday Baseball | Forbidden Passion | Oppenheimer Omission | Rather Eat | Summer Fun | Fried Oreo | Not Antisemitic | Expensive Dames | Rushdie Interview | Smoky Lady

San Francisco Weed Week: A Personal History

When I grew marijuana in northern California from about 1977 to 1986, I did not once think or imagine that one day it would be legal to do so. I was not a cannabis activist…

Anderson Valley Roots: The Burgess-Prather Story

One of Anderson Valley’s earlier pioneers was William Prather, born on a farm near “old” Vernon in Jennings County, Indiana. His father, John Lloyd Prather, had been born on the same farm in 1801. William's…
