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Posts published in “Day: April 26, 2024

Mendocino County Today: Friday 4/26/24

Showers | Hopping Elk | Oregon Suspect | Robert Calson | Tree Cutting | Student Volunteers | County Notes | Meth House | Ukiah Construction | Plant Sale | Train Plans | Petit Teton | Dos Rios | Ed Notes | Garden Tips | Newman Corrections | Liberty Swap | Best Weekly | Dust Bowlers | Depressing News | Yesterday's Catch | Bottle Bill | Dog Sense | Religious Confusion | Tucker Look | Dem Backfire | Plucking Chickens | Awesome Buffet | Fake Electors | Cancel Culture | Columbia Protests | Romani People | Yew Tree | Not Busy | Coke Plastic | Blowing Corn | NPR Crisis | Oxford Canal

Off the Record (April 26, 2024)

LAST MONDAY MORNING'S DEMONSTRATIONS for Palestine snarling the entire Bay Area's traffic don't seem to me a defensible tactic given the likely lethal consequences that could result from blocking people from getting to where they…

Time Waits For No One: Palace Re-Opens

Nostalgia and sentiment are grand emotions and I suspect most people devoted to the Bring Back the Palace movement are deep in the throes of rosy memories of lovely days gone by. I get it. …
