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Posts published in “Day: April 25, 2024

Mendocino County Today: Thursday 4/25/24

Cooling | Navarro Beach | Unity Club | Chipper Day | Comptche Firehouse | Festival Effect | Denim Day | Harbor View | Do Better | Donut Vandal | Community Songfest | Ed Notes | Cherry Blossoms | Cannabis Comment | Burnt Hill | Trail Talk | Tinkler Field | Family Story | Submission Tips | Yesterday's Catch | Functional Government | Kitty Training | Strawberry Picking | Hypocrite Congressman | Kelseyville Name | Timber Fellers | Hobbesian Nightmare | Hurt Feelings | Devil Girl | California Insurance | Stiff Neck | Poppe’s Salary | Marichal 1966 | Fringe Finance | Donald Knows | Captain White | Rank Coward | Devout Catholic | Haight Legend | American Culture | War Dogs | The Doryman | Bernie Remarks | Still Protesting | At Columbia | Co-op Funerals | Apple History | Painting Reason

County Notes: Handwringing Won’t Balance The Budget

In his latest Supervisor’s report, Supervisor John Haschak bemoaned the difficulty he and his colleagues are having trying to balance next fiscal year’s General Fund budget.  Apparently, Haschak thinks that some unspecified “efficiencies” he insists…

The Newman Bros Look Back

The Anderson Valley Historical Society sponsored another fun and informative Valley Chat on April 14th in the Rose Room at the Little Red School House Museum in Boonville. Brothers Marshall and Aaron Newman whose parents…
