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Posts published in “Day: March 24, 2024

Mendocino County Today: Sunday 3/24/24

Showers | Leek Flowers | MS Notes | Neil Family Benefit | AVUSD Update | Pumpkin Patch | Strong Comm Scam | Weekly Extravaganza | Bunyan 68 | Unity Club | Beer Fest | Restore Ukiah | Call Numbers | Security Team | Improve P&B | Pinches Observations | Current BOS | Hendy Fungi | Bunyan 51 | Ed Notes | Yesterday's Catch | Marco Radio | Winterland Marquee | Safeway Cart | Lifelong Republicans | Tadich Grill | Political Curry | Zap | Prop 1 | Unknown Hopper | Lost Coast | Me Worry? | Peer Review | Early Wheel | 31 Books | Soda Fountain | Farmers' Wives | My Chauvinism

Off the Record (March 24, 2024)

NO SIGNIFICANT PERCENTAGE CHANGES with the County Election Team’s latest update. Mulheren’s small percentage lead over Ukiah challenger Jacob Brown in the Second District Supervisors…

Meeting Doug Holland

I was going to be up in the Seattle area and wondered what it would be like to meet Doug Holland, who chronicles his daily…
