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Posts published in February 2024

Mendocino County Today: Tuesday, Feb. 20, 2024

Rain | Burn Piles | Dave Nelson | Log Truck | Rural Roads | Saving Trees | Variety Show | Profiteer | Compassion | Lightning | Catch/Release | Cutting Onions | Pebbles Jefferson | Embers | Vote Brown | Oxygen Cart | Vote Cline | Wooden Start | About Madeline | Blood Donors | Tunnelvision | Raze Palace | Alioto's | Press Ishwar | Stop Stupid | Dear CPUC | Scary Costumes | Vote Ted | Belting Ringo | Vote McNerney | Police Proof | Wodetski Recommends | Yesterday's Catch | No H | Candy Wind | Coin Toss | Tam View | Willis Trial | America 1793 | Illegal Power | Target Practice | War Propaganda | Survivor | Getting Trump | Gunsmoke | 14th Best | Tragedy | Seriously Running | Cruel Putin | Donald Sneakers | Sudden Death | Napalm

What Are Angelheaded Hipsters, Anyway?

Allen Ginsberg's “Howl” is perhaps the iconic poem of the past half century, but from the moment it was first published 68 years ago, it…

My First Trip To Black Bear

(Warning: This is a Great Place but Don’t Come Here to Live.) The first trip into Black Bear Ranch required a nine-hour drive into deep…

Mendocino County Today: Monday, Feb. 19, 2024

Wind/Rain | Bragg Playground | Angel Missing | Floodgate Renaissance | AVUSD News | Housing Fundraiser | Water Future | Estuary Sky | AV Events | Last Whistle | Western Swordfern | Dusty Palace | Forest Talk | Sports Coping | Yesterday's Catch | Bridge Robbery | Groucho Sketch | Measure A | Lucas Museum | Prop 1 | Abe Shreds | Autocratic Empire | Paper Doll | Propaganda World | Daily Specials | Vlad & Tuck | Picasso 1956

Joe Hill Finally Comes to City Lights

Everyone in San Francisco and beyond loves City Lights Bookstore and Publishing Company. At least every reader and bookish citizen or craves culture and community.…

Letters (February 19, 2024)

The Palace Hotel can be restored. Many great buildings all over the world in worse shape have been restored…

Mendocino County Today: Sunday, Feb. 18, 2024

Rain/Wind | Bar Joke | Demolition Unnecessary | Angel Left | PG&E Shock | Not Again | Existential Threat | Waterlogged Chickens | Turkey Vulture | 2023 Crush | New Diet | Accomplishment | Supporting Shattuck | Never Blame | Bad Speller | Mockelvision | Gladiola | Cline Hubris | Dropping | Coddled People | Pet Astro | Broadband Launch | Phone Tower | Formerly Green | Drawn Together | Ed Notes | Sidelong Musk | Philo Commute | Yesterday's Catch | Unidentified Object | Safari Surprise | Marco Radio | Ayn Rand | Disinformation, Inc. | Author Theroux | Assange Appeal | So Mysterious

The Squad

Jeremy Scahill, Matt Taibbi, Naomi Klein, David Yearsley, Ryan Grim… I think of these very good young journalists as young, but they're all in early…
