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Posts published in November 2023

Mendocino County Today: Sunday, Nov. 12, 2023

Partly Sunny | Barn | AV Events | Holiday Lights | FFA Trip | Boletovore | Laytonville Businesses | Tracking Stehr | Excess Sediment | Mushroom Symposium | Ed Notes | Pet Boo | Lousy Newcomers | Kuny Anniversary | Mendocino Land Trust | Floodgate Building | Darryl Beardall | Thatcher Scone | Media Literacy | Graveyard Vandal | Outlet Creek | Marco Radio | Yesterday's Catch | Humco Finance | Water Tower | Home Insurance | Front Porch | Journalism Today | Sack Cloth | Gaza | Frazetta Illustration | Cease Fire | War-Mongering Nutjobs | Private Screening | Tourism Selfie | Second Shooter | Lady of Spain | Bigfoot Portrait

Election Time: A Vote for Bach

Ithaca, New York. Next week brings local elections to this college town in the Finger Lakes region of the Empire State. There will be a…

Naval Findings

My work site was three flights below ground level, taking me into the bowels of the earth. There, beginning at 6 a.m., I began my…

Mendocino County Today: Saturday, Nov. 11, 2023

Mostly Sunny | Sunset | Body Found | Vet Benefit | Institutional Dysfunction | Little River Museum | Haschak Report | Leaf Art | Skatepark Radio | Moores Denied | Art's Apple | Mendo-Scene-o | AVUSD News | Calpella Bridges | Ukiah Construction | Feedstore Celebration | Unity Club | Buena Vista | Good Bones | Climate Event | Hooters | Ed Notes | Wood Done | Yesterday's Catch | Personal Nightmare | Hollow Chatter | Easily Distracted | Stoen/Trump/Jones | Cow Palace | Media Literacy | Mycue Poetry | Anarchist | Wrong Answers | Nice Sunrise | Freaky Times | Sky Low Low | Stuck Light | Understanding Hamas | Lemmings | Media Vetting | Goodbye | Tel Aviv | Bobbie Pissing | Get Ready | Mister Thatcher

A Whirlwind Weekend

Two weeks ago I was doing research on enjoyable things to do with my brother and sister-in-law because they were scheduled to visit. In the…

Escape From Southern Humboldt

Why is life so boring in Garberville these days, so boring I’ve been desperately trying to get out of town and drive to Mexico. It’s…

Inventory: ‘GI Papers’

We are moving to a smaller house and I’m deciding what not to bring. A drawer in a file cabinet contains leaflets and newspapers from…

Mendocino County Today: Friday, Nov. 10, 2023

Partly Sunny | Pampas Grass | Suspects Loose | General Store | Cost-Saving Ideas | Community Potluck | Drainage Q&A | Blanche Brown | Winterize Garden | Featured Woodworker | Opera Showing | 56 Merc | Davin Ad | AV Students | Holcomb Wedding | Buzzing Aircraft | Kelley House | Yesterday's Catch | Care Workers | Backpacking Yosemite | Raven Art | Killing Girls | Ukiah Massage | Banning Phones | Dreams/Goals | Fast Car | Mushroom Score | Cannabis Psychosis | Profiling | Disinformation Experts | Big Brother | Huff Points | New Speaker | Keyboard Warriors | Birdman | Not War | Migration Tip | Lifted Wings | Bible Spoiler | Ukraine | Pablo & Frida | Head Snap | Still Life

Plowshares Marking 40th Anniversary

Plowshares, the Ukiah community dining center, is marking its 40th anniversary with an open house Friday, and a special message from Sister Jane Kelly, the…
