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Posts published in “Day: November 6, 2023

Mendocino County Today: Monday, Nov. 6, 2023

Showers | Westport Beach | Chili Cook-Off | AVHS Soccer | Football Playoffs | Mendo Landscape | Cancer Challenges | Youth Basketball | Ed Notes | Oak Silhouette | New Pup | Empty Lot | Retired Life | Yesterday's Catch | Overpopulation Issues | Lakota Indians | Golden Gate Suicides | Close Gate | Better Way | Ukraine | Civil Reunion | Sadistic Israeli | Gaza | Ceasefire Calls | Picasso Painting | JFK 007 | Terracotta Warriors | Amazing Sloth

Beyond My Powers To Reject

By the time I knew enough to know where I was but not how I got there, I was four years old and living in…
