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Posts published in “Day: October 2, 2023

Mendocino County Today: Monday, Oct. 2, 2023

Cool | Fall Color | Assessor's Report | Woodstove Replacement | Wild Garden | Structural Deficit | White Goat | On Zooming | Not Guilty | Goodbye Summer | Sutro Baths | Bostrodamus | California Zones | Tow Trucking | Jaca Concert | GG Wave | Paperboy Memories | Yesterday's Catch | Senator Butler | Cliveden Set | McCaffrey TDs | Kerouac TD | Klaas Case | Not Magician | Stone Mountain | My Hometown | Infinite Capacity | Missing Revolution | Unread Books | Kropotkin's Death | Artistic Treason | Ukraine | Toting Hubby

Mapping The Pandemic In San Francisco

“When the going gets weird, the weird turn professional.” – Hunter S. Thompson The pandemic has generated waves of anxiety and depression, but it has…

Almost An Adventure

Riding downtown to Seattle on the #99 bus, I seated myself behind two 30-something women speaking Swahili or something, and their young kids in strollers.…
