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Posts published in “Day: May 16, 2023

Mendocino County Today: Tuesday, May 16, 2023

Sunny | Fungus | Mountain Fatality | Mendocino Pass | Park Purchase | Trim Shack | Marijuana Exodus | MNF Reopening | Road Slump | ACLU/Murray | Magical Experience | Constant Struggle | Pitsenbarger Book | Public Health | Curry Eyes | Ed Notes | Woodstock Line | Symphony Concerts | Yesterday's Catch | Public Transportation | Lobster Island | Haystacks Calhoun | California Housing | SF Skyline | Supernatural Machinery | Annie Oakley | Not Woke | Shooter Scorecard | Dirty Secrets | Thelonius Monk | Keep Walking | Ukraine | Mr Brainwash

Why Reagan Nixed The Dos Rios Dam

In December of 1964, California was hit by floods that were even wilder than the great floods of 1955. In three days, from December 21 to 24, Blue Canyon on the American River recorded 20…

Controversial Caramels

Gleaming hogs, chopped Harleys all, were parked in a precise row, south of the Cliff House. Sonny Barger, still Head Guy of the Hell’s Angels despite a stretch in the joint and his near inability…

CAMP Days In The Emerald Triangle

Zoyd had been staying with planters he knew up by Holytail, beyond the coastal ranges and the yearlong fogs, in a valley where marijuana growing conditions were ideal — about the last refuge for pot…
