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Posts published in “Day: April 7, 2023

Mendocino County Today: Friday, April 7, 2023

Showers Clearing | Seafood Market | Cloudscape | Spaghetti Bob | Egg Hunt | Mobile CRV | Seed Potatoes | Beach Grotto | Slow Approval | Candidate Shattuck | Ukiah Markets | Prohousing Communities | Caltrans Bad | Supe Deceptions | Flirting | Rough Town | Mustard Field | Bragg History | Hush Money | SCP Lodge | Yesterday's Catch | Wine Hits | Facebook Power | Goat Meat | Butkis | Alphabet People | Moveable Feast | MSNBC Sucks | Needles | Payment Delay | Hardwood Houdini | Ukraine | Pioneering Videographer | Mushy Straw | Andy & Jared | 1955

Heavy Metal

I spent several summers on my grandfather’s berry farm in the Skagit Valley sixty miles north of Seattle. To irrigate his water-hungry crops, he had…
