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Posts published in December 2022

The Mendo Ag Commissioner Picture

Mendocino County is in a pickle, or if you don’t like that analogy choose one of your own that reflects the situation in which Ukiah…

Tommy Can You Hear Me?

The ability to hear clearly being the last refuge of a guy clinging desperately to middle age, I ignored, denied and resisted the idea I…

Mendocino County Today: Sunday, Dec. 11, 2022

Showers | Sandbar Breached | Diane Shugart | CA Storm | Armed Robbery | Food Banking | Shipping Store | Krch Story | Pet Rocket | AVUSD News | Faintbow | AV Events | PA Agenda | Grinch Appearance | Budget Mismanagement | Noyo Harbor | Paris Quartet | Mystery Trees | Fet & Meth | Blood Drive | Mayor Rodin | Plank Road | Shutout Proof | Wonder Stump | Baseball Dream | Yesterday's Catch | Boring Life | Always Lying | Xmas Gifting | Wartime Santa | Petaluma Welcome | Gym Suit | Marco Radio | Special Order | Butterfly Memories | Ballerina | Twitter Files | Senator Whatever | Fauci Farewell | Target Practice | Gossip | Death Merchants | Ukraine | Fences

Namaste, Everyone

After reading his messages in the AVA for lo these many years, I finally met Craig Louis Stehr in downtown Ukiah. Having no idea of…

Destination: Yosemite Valley

For each of us, there are places that beckon; places to which we return again and again. No, not the necessary ones – home, work,…

Armed Robbery in Boonville

On 12-09-2022 at 2:40 PM Mendocino County Sheriff's Deputies were dispatched to a reported arm robbery at the Mi Esperanza Market located at 14289 Highway…

Mendocino County Today: Saturday, Dec. 10, 2022

Showers | Armed Robbery | MTA Free | Help Homeless | Food Bankers | Sandbar Prediction | Eureka 1893 | Flu Tests | Unique Gifts | Hoffman Memorial | Grewal Case | Morsell-Haye Sendoff | MAC Events | Lansbury Boxed | Holiday Market | Makers/Bakers | Eyster Stonewalling | Campers | 2 Responses | Fire Brigrade | Haschak Report | Disaster Pic | Budget Hole | Paraders | Broken Promises | Simpson Mill | Gary Ball | Christmas Dinner | Cloverdale Memories | Kids 1954 | Lifetime Achievement | Yesterday's Catch | O'Hair Story | Rivera Exhibit | Om Diddy | Zaruba Express | Marco Radio | Which Lists | Young Dems | Big Crab | Improbable Purdy | Aline | Dem Betrayal | Drunk Fun | Twitter Files | Stick Man | On Stupidity | Future/Past | Pickup Lines | 1912 Students | Musk/Baker | Red Door | Vicente Ibanez | Tweet Coach

A Voice Of Sanity In The Ukraine War

The Monroe Doctrine has been a No-Trespassing sign nailed to the gate of US foreign policy for almost 300 years. Naval exercises are performed by…

Locals In A Holidaze

Last week was awash with local chances to catch the Xmas Spirit. Kicking it off was the tree lighting at the Boonville Hotel. It looked…

Mendocino County Today: Friday, Dec. 9, 2022

Showers | Full Moon | 128 Closed | Parade | Undamming Eel | Rainbow | Future Mechanics | Water Carnival | Canned Goods | Contestants | Further Reach | Chanterelles | Community Chorus | Coiffed | Unrefuted | KZYX Ukiah | Boardwalking | NPR Obit | Ed Notes | Judges | Landscaper | Princesses | Elderberry Juice | PA Holiday | Improv Showcase | Krch Story | GGC Time | Monte Rio | Code Enforcers | Johnny Sasso | Emerald Cup | Toggery | Lansbury Exhibit | RR Map | City Folk | CA Slaves | Breakup Camp | Yesterday's Catch | Clown & Cannibal | Crows | Chron Christmas | Toxic Neighbor | Greenberg/Feller | Gripped | Powell Memo | Lenin Reading | Assange | Family Motto | Babe & Johnny | Gun Molls | Griner Whining | Miss Dubai | Ukraine | Par | Warshing | Xmas Wish | Great Unsettling | Jailbird

Lip Service in Qatar

From now on when you google the phrase “lip service” you should by rights be taken directly to the video of the members of Iranian…
