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Posts published in “Day: December 13, 2022

Boonville Armed Robber Arrested In New York

During the course of this investigation, Matias Tomas Vietto was identified as being the suspect in this case. Sheriff's Detectives learned Vietto told friends that…

Mendocino County Today: Tuesday, Dec. 13, 2022

Cold | Clearlake | CIF Fees | Fungi | Adult School | 1940 Mendocino | Salsa Cookbook | Trail Lawsuit | Vice Mayor | Albion Rental | Snowy Hills | Person Pronoun | Gender Symbols | Blackberry Bramble | Yesterday's Catch | Crescent City | Last Pick | Fairfax | Black Hawk | Old Ladies | Oil Tax | Working Out | Griner News | Carved Hand | Killdares | Propaganda | Mendorella | Free Speech | Sleeping Garden | Alarm Bells | Christmas Message | Ukraine | Hoarfrost | Russian Polling | Blackbird

Cannabis Lab Notes

To this day I'm kind of amazed when people flat-out lie to your face when they know you  know the truth. Or they lie to…

I Sold A Book The Other Day

I sold a book the other day. I’ve sold literally, no exaggeration, millions of books in 45 years as a bookseller, but this was a…
