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Posts published in “Day: September 8, 2022

Mendocino County Today: Thursday, Sept. 8, 2022

Warm Nights | Steam Festival | Coastal Cleanup | 1918 Ukiah | Candidates Forum | Bunyan 68 | Wearable Fiber | McNabb Family | Water Attorneys | Adult Supervision | Life Expectancy | Hospice Care | Oldfield Tires | Hospital Prices | Broken Step | UC Tenderloin | Summer Night | Lifetime Projects | Passenger Train | Book Lists | Yesterday's Catch | Dragon | Crow TV | Old Post | Wine Game | Eisenhood's Deli | Raskin Double | Railroad Exchange | Ukiah Dimension | Hybrid Vehicle | First Burn | Not Busy | Burning Rubber | Ice Delivery | Ukraine | City Hall | Soul Hunters | Uncle Irwin | "Unprovoked" | Arthur Rothstein | Special Masters | Brought War | Cooling Off | American Nightmare | Potatoes | Money Lords | Customer Service

County Notes: Housing Hindrances

Supervisor Mulheren (writing on her facebook page): “In the past developers have stated these [school developer] fees are a hindrance to adding additional housing, I…

Letters (Sept. 8, 2022)

No wonder the Republican Party is working to destroy our democracy. They oppose most things Americans want…
