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Posts published in August 2022

The Gent From Ghent

In the first of the four volumes of Thomas Nugent’s Grand Tour of 1749, that hefty guidebook required of aristocratic British travelers to the continent,…

Logging Slash

Seventy-five years ago, when bulldozers began to be used to log the redwoods, a common practice began of blading logging slash from a landing as…

New Noyo Harbormaster

Before becoming the Harbormaster of the Noyo Harbor District, Anna Neumann worked as a crew member for a commercial fishing vessel, gathered tidal data for…

Mendocino County Today: Monday, August 1, 2022

Cooler Inland | Driftwood Tipi | Pardini Lifesaver | Caspar Highway | Bond Oversight | Albion Sky | AVFFA Exhibitors | No Carnival | Wild Areas | SEIU Charge | McKinney Fire | Actor Prepares | Lilypad Canoe | Retire Now | Three Friends | Fully Serviced | Yesterday's Catch | Albion Cabin | Lost Tapes | 70s Man | News Legislation | Help Me | Linger Not | James Lovelock | Ark Insurance | Western Civ | Schooners Landing | Ukraine | Jack Johnson | Imprisoned Vet | Solitary Horseman | Deep Racism | Classic Mustang | Stunt Legislation | EV Fuel | Rumble v Google | Bill Russell

The Olive Hackett-Shaughnessy Saga

No one seems to keep a tally of the exact number of storytellers in San Francisco, but there seem to be more of them, at…

Merchant Marine Memories

Reading Ralph Bostrom’s interesting letter about sailing with the merchant marine service to Curacao, I was reminded of my own experiences with the Seamen's International…

The Two Forests of Van Damme 

There are trees found only on the coast of Mendocino County. And if that weren’t cool enough, there’s a whole forest of them that can…
