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Posts published in July 2022

Train Wreck at MCN

Late last Friday afternoon MUSD put out the a notice of a special school board meeting with a one line description of the meeting’s topic:…

Mendocino County Today: Thursday, July 7, 2022

Interior Warming | Juror Turnout | Circus Tip | CSD Reports | Trivia Night | Merchants Meeting | Open Mic | Dance Beats | Cat Poisonings | Caspar Celbrating | LR Museum | Blackbirds | Mendocino Hotel | Stargazing | Drought Projects | Italia Hotel | AV Talent | Personal Trainer | Mendocino Robin | Ed Notes | Not Listening | Velvet Bandit | Dem Club | Yesterday's Catch | Summer Tomatoes | Cancel PG&E | Motherhood | Daily Citizen | Increases | BoJo Resigns | Skilled People | UK Tour | Suicide Hotline | LA Ports | Best People | School Money | Church & State | Fools Game | Jet Set | Ukraine | Tired Woman | World Hunger | Uncle Sam | Killing Business | Scotus Fuctus | Billionaire Pollution | Fun Once

County Notes: Mendo Vacancy Miscellany

Interim CEO Darcie Antle’s June CEO report has a small section on Human Resources. Given Mendo’s tight, personnel dependent budget situation, its high vacancy rates,…

Letters (July 7, 2022)

I am announcing my services as a professional mourner. Whenever there is a murder using a weapon which is designed to kill people such as an AK automatic gun/AR 15, I am ready…

Mendocino County Today: Wednesday, July 6, 2022

Clearing | Noyo Harbor | ALRFD BBQ | Kid Meals | Quiz Returns | Summer School | Funky Smell | Book Sale | DSL Service | Gravy Truck | Ed Notes | Children's Festival | Videographer Wanted | Scout Troop | New CEO | Brock Farm | Tempered France | Yesterday's Catch | Over Here | Jenner Cat | Dem Plan | Take Cover | Two Opinions | Born Again | Marie Curie | Opossum | Car Camping | Lost Hills | Sew Straight | Heretics | Slim Pickens | Terrific Manners | Pear Tree

Off the Record (July 6, 2022)

THE PRESS DEMOCRAT wondered last week, “Toxic coal train’ proposal now stalled on North Coast; was it ever a real project?” NO, it wasn't. Ditto…

Valley People (July 6, 2022)

PG&E WILL TURN OFF the power overnight this Thursday, July 7, 10pm until Friday July 8th, 6am. Perhaps too late for this week’s paper-paper but…

Mendocino County Today: Tuesday, July 5, 2022

Overcast | Pomo Land | AV Outage | Kaisen Kids | Grange Breakfast | Talmage Fourth | Help Wanted | John James | Ed Notes | Gladioli | Missed Opportunity | Laurel & Friend | Laytonville Standoff | Felon Released | Yesterday's Catch | Fantasy Painting | Parade Shooting | Hidden Contraceptives | Bloody Holiday | Family Savings | Ukraine | Dangerous In-Laws | Confused Advice | PA Market | Hot Mess | Oil Profits | Clueless Party | Informed Insane | Information Anarchism | Kadiu | Firework Display | Unspoiled Honey | Staking Eden
