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Posts published in “Day: July 2, 2022

Mendocino County Today: Saturday, July 2, 2022

Cloudy Cool | Independence Shortage | Broadband Comptche | Ukiah Valley | Water Curtailments | Pok-A-Dot | Dumps Closed | Jail Coop | Supe Reports | WPA Camp | Area Code | Superfine Crackers | Circus School | Weed Tax | Pass Plays | AV Village | Watertower | Arco Robber | Something Important | Fireworks Cleanup | Resiliency Funding | Possum Trot | Vacancy Tax | Suffrage | NIMBY Boomers | Gualala Arts | Cannabis Watch | Services Available | Ed Notes | Young Swain | Yesterday's Catch | Shasta Couple | Stupid Americans | Hope Overturned | Bari Tale | Croc Abuse | Pelosi Begging | Corporate Underwriter | Ukraine | Sonny Barger | Asylum Seekers | One Party | Sorry Frosting | Newsom Florida | Enchanted State | Faded Summer | Eureka 23

The Prankster Stops Laughing

Roger Stone played a key role in stopping the recount of votes in Florida that would have cost George W. Bush the Presidency in 2000.…

Counting Down

Three weeks have passed since the election held on June 7, and most statewide and local races, almost all of them in fact, have been…
