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Posts published in June 2022
One of the Supervisors’ major failures (of almost two dozen major failures and betrayals we’re tracking) is their failure to deal with the combined Treasurer-Auditor office that they created last year without a plan and…
The BOS is threatening to poison the well for permanently increasing the sales tax support of our libraries.…
Warming | 1927 Kids | Early Results | AVHS Graduation | Handley LZ | Hollywood Hundred | Hendy Zip | Boonville Lot | Tree Work | Reduction/Museum | Lake Levels | Ed Notes | Shrode's Sundries | Supes Shorts | Albion Crew | Water Sharing | Police Reports | Survey Deadline | Yesterday's Catch | Ukraine | Red Dress | Applebees Dinner | Grand Army | Stupid Movie | Introvert Soap | Gun Safety | Kicking Can | Color Lines | 1966 Message | Power/Control | Carrie Nation | Free Speech | Boyle's Crew
REMEMBER the three guys who showed up at Chris Brown’s Albion home in the early morning in December of last year, one of whom shot at Brown as he slept, the bullet narrowly missing his…
The Blue Zones Project is based on the idea that by studying communities in the world that have a disproportionately high percentage of people living over the age of 100, common themes might be identified…
HELP! This sad story goes back some, but if you have any information concerning it, please let us know. Around midnight Saturday, September 13, 2014, Boonville Fair Weekend, Mr. Ricardo Jimenez was in line at…