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Posts published in March 2022
In the spring of 1995, Paul Farmer was in San Francisco to take part in a weekend conference on resurgent TB. This interview —all too timely today— was conducted for the Anderson Valley Advertiser. Paul…
Do readers know Oregon has a “Lost Forest”? Excuse me, the state is covered in forest, how could some of it become “lost”? The answer follows as adventures on Oregon’s back roads are shared. Rockhounding…
Dry Week | Handyman Hendricks | Ukraine Updates | Reckless Driver | Corrections | DeCamp Friends | Illegal Wiretapping | Electrician Shippey | Gas Prices | Restaurant Tips | Right Words | Good Work | Past Tense | Dennis Cunningham | New Drink | County Pot | Theater Benefit | Critical Shortages | Coastal Kestrel | Tech Help | Deaf Ears | American Oligarchs | Video Games | Fully Armed | Neck Stabbing | Yesterday's Catch | Anger Junkies | Revolution Required | Dire Warning | War Trauma | Unexpected Resistance | Bombmakers | Housing Stock | Shingle Mill | Water Challenges | City Hall | Bad Planning | Gold Fever | Shipping Wharf | Russian Protests | Kid One | Aaron Bassler
I pretty much burnt out on beatniks and their writings long ago. They’re mostly a young man’s fancy, as in, what can seem adventurous, romantic and yes, even cool on the page in one’s youth…
Is mural fever once again sweeping Ukiah? Ukiah went a hundred years without murals, and today you can hardly spit without hitting one, hint hint. Having learned nothing from the examples that festoon city exteriors,…
Review of ‘Loss of Memory is Only Temporary.’ By Johanna Kaplan. Ecco Press, HarperCollins. New York, 2022. 248 pp. $16.99. Mental Health, its circumstances, its manageable and unmanageable characteristics, its treatments, its colossal direct and…