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Posts published in December 2021

Mendocino County Today: Wednesday, Dec. 22, 2021

Rain Plus | 19 New Cases | Pinoli Interview | Covelo Stables | Philo Mill | Porch Break | Collision Fatality | Mystery Woman | Caspar Trestle | Ed Notes | Yesterday's Catch | Unanswered Messages | Necessary Movement | Bill Hamm | Greenrushing | Mapmaking | Dangerous Games | Antifa Founders | Real Liberty | Knuckle Sandwich | Sexy Alexa | Black Cat | Russian Ultimatum | Soda Springs | Dire Straits | Egg Racism | Union Time | Dreamcycle | Signifying Nothing | Turkey Tail

Off the Record (December 22, 2021)

FOR THE SECOND TIME, roughly two dozen unmasked people, including children, invaded the Ukiah Co-Op two Saturday ago, allegedly in protest of the store's mandated…

Valley People (December 22, 2021)

JERRY PHILBRICK HAS DIED, passing away in his sleep at his Comptche ranch. A native son of Mendocino County, Jerry Philbrick was a logger and…

Omicron Update

We are now just over a month since the new variant, Omicron, was identified in southern Africa.  Since then, it has rapidly become the dominant…

Mendocino County Today: Tuesday, Dec. 21, 2021

Showers | 32 New Cases | 6.2 Earthquake | Sheila Hibbs | Hendy Trail | Penpal Ralph | Dustin Apprehended | Mo Show | Bud Goldsam | Pot Luck | Unwrapping Service | LT Logo | 1913 Parade | PA Councilperson | Pick Two | Ed Notes | Divas | Superintendent Report | Research Quiz | Ag Water | Yesterday's Catch | Walmart Sued | Street Vendor | Pandemic Patriots | Crowded Diner | Jan 4 | Driveway Watch | Military Nations | Congress | Expendable People | Desert Invitation | Rural Landlines | Mendo 1930 | Night Sweats | Tree Lot

The Cain Murder & Mr. Holmes

Last time we briefly touched on the wanton murders of Native Americans in the early days of Mendocino County, with no punishment rendered. In a…

Marooned In Marin

As the atmospheric river unleashed its fury over the winemaker dinner I hosted with my brand manager Johnny Roldan, trouble thundered its way down. The…
