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Posts published in “Day: December 13, 2021

Ukiah Co-Op Vandalized by Anti-Maskers

FOR THE SECOND TIME, roughly two dozen unmasked people, including children, invaded the Ukiah Co-Op on Saturday, allegedly in protest of the store's mandated mask policy. The protesters denounced CoOp employees as fascists while encouraging…

Mendocino County Today: Monday, Dec. 13, 2021

Cold Showers | Unmasked Hoodlums | Skunk Ban | Panther Spotting | Working Railroad | Rental Wanted | Daily Vigil | Health Directors | Yorkville 1860 | Understaffed | CEO Captives | Highland Corral | Save Pillsbury | Star Cast | Guisti Situation | Why Grandma | Missing Things | Train Trestle | Niners Win | Yesterday's Catch | Watching Poker | In Paris | Mildred Cleghorn | Dem Delete | Biden Country | Human Brotherhood | Bronx River | Moving On | Next Coup | Anchor Afraid | After End | Leaf Carving

Remembering Charlotte Mailliard

My encounter with Charlotte Mailliard Schultz was brief but spectacular. The legendary San Franciscan and I had two long telephone conversations 30 plus years ago. I have never forgotten them.  The first was brief, and…
