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Posts published in July 2021

Mendocino County Today: Friday, July 9, 2021

Hot Inland | 13 New Cases | Server Trouble | McCarthy Memorial | Ed Murrell | Grundy's Restaurant | Help Lorena | Woodstock 1969 | Shelter Evacuation | Phased Approach | Vaccine Events | Sports Drink | Volunteer Drivers | Summer Schooling | Free Pot | Water Tanks | Kill Kill Kill | Cannabis Program | Sidewalk Dining | Ed Notes | Gardens Hiring | Croft Farms | Farmers Market | Inmate Beekeepers | Yesterday's Catch | Water Conservation | Communications Like | Haiti Troubles | Mister HG | Miserable Fourth | Roz & Jimmy | Rule 50 | Silent Fireworks | Race Theory | Mobile Home | Genos Egalis | Up Down | GOP Control | Wyoming

Lend Me Your Ears

Hearing activists and Americans with hearing loss alike were undoubtedly popping champagne corks in celebratory glee on August 18, 2017, when President Donald Trump signed…

Born Yesterday: County Water Ad Hoc Visits the Valley

Summary: There’s no hope. Tuesday morning, Supervisors Ted Williams and Glenn McGourty brought the County’s newly hired Water Agency “program manager” Josh Metz to Anderson…

Mendocino County Today: Thursday, July 8, 2021

Triple Digits | 3 New Cases | 101 Fatality | Broiler Fire | McCarthy Memorial | Pon Farewell | Skate Park | Booneville/Boonville | Offender Mentor | Navarro Ridge | Fundraiser Canceled | Numbered Twins | Redwood Caregivers | Redneck Sushi | FB Stickup | Comptche Home | Fire Money | Water Conservation | Fast Molly | Firebreak Trail | Wastewater Tour | Quiet Fireworks | Unknown Hell | Mail Lady | Spousal Knowledge | Ed Notes | Yesterday's Catch | Space Cult | 1912 Warning | Republican Virus | Freedummy | eScam | Sketch Artist | Losing End | Stripmall Progression | TV Wasteland | Suicidal Deer | Wildlife Crossings | Effing Marquee | Enduring Freedom

County Notes: Privatized Misery Contract Renewed

On Tuesday, County Behavioral Health (Mental Health & Substance Abuse) Director Dr. Jenine Miller gave the Supervisors a “Specialty Mental Health Services Presentation,” which was…

Grand Jury Rips Coast Parks & Rec District

“The Mendocino Coast Recreation & Parks District (MCRPD) lost almost $3 million in grant funds from the State of California.” That is the header of…

Mendocino County Today: Wednesday, July 7, 2021

Warm Before Hot | 14 New Cases | Claire Lobell | Tognoli Memorial | Typical Response | Train Trouble | Delta Variant | Trash Dump | Name Change | Adultery Sin | Haschak Report | King Pardon | Drought Meeting | Soup Ready | Ed Notes | Global Security | 2412 Plants | Budget Inquiry | FB Fourth | Waffle Stop | Cannabis Fees | Assessment Appeals | Yesterday's Catch | Hella Town | Mentally Ill | Irrigating Drugs | National Embarrassments | Cardboard Senators | Generational Socialism | Disunited States | Bankster | Book Recommendations | Just Cause

Valley People (July 7, 2021)

THESE RED FIRE BOXES have been popping up all over Anderson Valley and people are starting to ask what they are. After countless hours of…

Off the Record (July 7, 2021)

RED BEARD, aka William Evers, the Cameron Road fugitive, is rapidly approaching local legend status. There was a recent sighting of RB in Gualala, although…
