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Posts published in January 2021

The Singing Publicist

In my two cartons marked SFDA I find some lyrics. (Instead of keeping a diary, I used to write songs.) 911 Willie Brown took the…

Why I Will Celebrate Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Day

Here’s a question for readers of the Anderson Valley Advertiser. Why is a white boy like me, who was raised in segregated Virginia, celebrating the…

Mendocino County Today: January 10, 2021

High Tides | 40 Cases | Crab Strike | Pet Gigi | Cannabis Control | Gypsy Spool | Extension Ladder | Highway 1 | AV Village | C Oversight | Old Mill | Museum Year | Crystal Mystery | Locomotive 7 | Un Siqueiros | Caspar Lumber | Ed Notes | Log Train | Civil Society | Walton Book | Econews Report | Newsom Budget | Yesterday's Catch | Big Grifters | American Abyss | Civil War | Chongald Xrump | Angela Nekkid | Log Trestle | Unflappable | QAnon Shaman | First Communion | Dear Congress | Deeply Divided | Marco Radio | Schizophrenics | Found Object

What Would Grandma Do?

Nearly every day of Covid-infested 2020, I’ve felt my hope drowned by despair. And every time I went under I asked myself, “What would grandma…

Mendocino County Today: January 9, 2021

High Pressure | 45 Cases | Surf's Up | Familiar Looking | New Laws | Vaccination Tip | Laying Track | Avoid Travel | Comptche 1949 | Promises Promises | Log Train | Setting Stone | Crab Feed | Alternative Medicines | Group Photo | Asymptomatic Spread | Caspar Mill | Ed Notes | Rough Days | Mill Site | Streetscape Update | Lakeco ODs | Yesterday's Catch | Colonial Capitalism | BLM & MAGA | Albion Mill | Saving Democracy | Enduring Cover | Sad Sight | Lost Burner | Quick Slide | Snifferman | More Upsetting | Information Lockdown | Watching Reactionaries | FBI Cheer | Grounded | Record Year | Airport Reception | Yahoo Preference

Notes from Here, There & Nowhere

Ukiah is a city of 16,000 with a median household income of $47,000.  This is what some city employees earn in a year, including benefits,…

A Banquet of Abundance

A Year in Review: Makahiki / Arrival / Farewell to Max / Working on a Building / Hilo and Kehena / Ed's Party / The Search…

Mendocino County Today: January 8, 2021

Drying Clearing | 40 New Cases | Hospitality Secrets | Dawn | Winter Shelter | Dry Spell | Whorehouse Plaque | Locomotive Samson | Orchard Boondoggles | Converted Tower | Toxic Waste | Humco Yahoos | Yesterday's Catch | Sedition | Lame Duckery | Neil Sheehan | Dock Crane | Movie Suppressors | Whyfor | Bear Food | Impeach Him | Botanical Kids | Location Location | Trump Mistakes | Stand By | Roast Skunk | Two Flags | Willful Denialism | You Again? | Invaders | Trumpers | 10 Years | No Facebook | Fueling Up | Real Conspiracies | Too Deep | Station Misuse | Sowing Division
