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Posts published in December 2020

Another Valley Vista

I have been admiring Brad Wiley's Valley Vistas articles. There are probably only a few readers of the AVA who will know most of the…

Lockdown, Drought & The Election

You could see this coming a million miles away. Governor Gavin Newsom has by now established a pattern of telegraphing his next, immediate move. A…

Mendocino County Today: December 9, 2020

Clear Chill | 37 Cases | Surge Prep | Winter Shelter | Homeless Outbreak | Sixties Boonville | Blood Drive | Noyo Guard | Volunteer Firefighting | Swept to Sea | Symphony Merch | Sea Cave | Building Dept | Quake Damage | FB Hotspots | Old Mendocino | Ed Notes | Blowhole | Rubber Stampervisors | Bear Paw | Border Dispute | Hot Coaches | Mask Up | Yesterday's Catch | Water Futures | Bird Universe | America Prior | Faggy Grove | Covid Relief | Help Men | Challenging Flournoy | Grow Food | Reality Divorce | Thugshot Ornaments | Portlandia | Big Deals | Honor Student

County Notes (December 9, 2020)

Kathy Wylie recently posted the following summary of this Tuesday’s Board of Supervisors Agenda:  BOS 12/8/20 meeting agenda is packed…  Another packed BOS agenda for…

Off the Record (December 9, 2020)

WE ASKED Silent Dan Gjerde, Fort Bragg’s mute supervisor, and FB’s man in Ukiah, if he might deign to weigh in on the ongoing problem…

Tainted Grants & Testy Gripes

The November Zoom meeting of the Mendocino Coast Recreation & Park District (MCRPD) Board of Directors lasted nineteen minutes. The most newsworthy item from the…

Letters (December 9, 2020)

The entire county is watching. The citizens of Covelo are frightened. There is only one main paved road in and out of this cursed valley of genocide and death...

A Festival of Lights In Fort Bragg

Fort Bragg held its Holiday Lights Parade last Saturday night. The parade wasn't a sure thing this year. As Coronavirus case numbers in Mendocino County…

Valley People (December 9, 2020)

THE ANDERSON VALLEY FOOD BANK is more than ever as crucial to struggling local families as it's been in its long history. It can be…
