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Posts published in “Day: December 20, 2020

Mendocino County Today: December 20, 2020

Drying Up | 24 Cases | Who Dat? | Pet Dewey | Tree Carving | Judge Brennan | Marijuana Problems | Dyerville Bridge | The Slab | First Car | Covid Volunteering | Sandstone Cliffs | Ed Notes | Camp Cheerio | DSK Case | Yesterday's Catch | Conspiracy Theories | Noyo Bridge | Feral Visitors | Big Lagoon | Jared's Vaccinated | Human Ramp | Blanket Closures | Doggie Diner | English Treacle | Plastic Wrap | Rogue Wave | All Together | Relict Trees | Hypocrite Politicians | Left Losing | Marco Radio | Lockdown Shopping

Pot Farm Petite

I thought it was a dream. A war dream specifically, filled with fiery convoys of armored vehicles, militant men screaming “Don’t move!” and “Arms up…

Why Democrats Keep Losing

Why, Democrats have been asking, do so many poor white people vote for a Republican Party that doesn’t care about or do anything for them?…
