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Posts published in “Day: October 28, 2020

Letters (October 28, 2020)

Ever since the Republican convention Melania Trump has seemed happier than at any point since Election Day 2016. I think I know why.

Mendo’s Water Mafia

“If you look at the cost of water today that some of our customers have, it's probably some of the cheapest water in California. Plain…

Two Ukiah High Classmates

A couple weeks back I shared a “why I am voting” opinion from a man I coached and taught when he was a teen in…

Mute Button Blues

Thursday night’s presidential debate was branded by many a pundit a historic first. The rogue Interrupter-in-Chief would be held in check by the latest technological…

Counts Counts: Voting in Navarro, 1972

One day last summer I was showing a recent Valley settler neighbor the historic sights of Navarro town and reminiscing about "the good old days."…

Promises, Promises

Remember this door hangar which was distributed all over Mendocino County back in 2017? It was in part based on the text of Measure B,…

Supes Ok Hemp Rule Despite Opposition

The Board of Supervisors approved a controversial Hemp Ordinance, discussed in some detail in this space two weeks ago, by a 3-to-2 vote at their…

Joe Munson & Daughter On The Cops

The “No on P” signs, which have blanketed Sonoma County in October, hit Joe Munson where it hurt: in his moral compass. Arrested about 50…
