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Posts published in August 2020

Life on the Navarro

The air still cuts and the wind is ringing every tree leaf in The Valley, but before you know it, we will all be back…

Celebration of Change

Raving about Joe: What if grandad showed up at a rave? You’d probably be smart to dip out of the nearest exit and find your…

MCT: Wednesday, August 19, 2020

Slightly Cooler;
Covelo Evacuations;
Jackson Arrested;
August Complex;
Local Natives;
Lightning Fire;
Stamp Parade;
Earthquake Cluster;
Mendo Covid;
BOS Meeting;
Ukiah PO;
Family Gatherings;
Ukiah Aviator;
Ed Notes;
Vintage Signs;
Control Freak;
Motorcycle Racer;
Sherwood Update;
1915 Parade;
Hay Sale;
Yesterday's Catch;
Auto Camp;
Trespass Grows;
1930 Buicks;
Water Matters;
Choker Cable;
Jesus Potato;
Hazardous Parcel;
College Football;
Damning Video;
Found Object

Good News from Sherwood Oaks

Miller Report for the Week of August 17th, 2020 By William Miller, MD – Chief of Staff at Adventist Health – Mendocino Coast Hospital It…

MCT: Tuesday, August 18, 2020

Interior Heat;
BOLO Jackson;
556 Cases;
Power Strain;
Ferry Terminal;
Rolling Blackouts;
Hopland Stagecoach;
PSPS Center;
Affordable Housing;
Wreckage Removal;
Grange Drive-in;
2017 Events;
Local Newscape;
Ethnic Alberto;
Gibbons Book;
Willits Sky;
Ed Notes;
SF Lightning;
Pebs Review;
Yesterday's Catch;
Baseball Fantasy;
Grow Guns;
Covid Rental;
Beachwear 1898;
Drinking Game;
Silly Enemies;
MHS 1907;
Organized Mendacity;
Ukiah Rainbows;
Full Orwell;
Found Object
