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Posts published in August 2020

MCT: Wednesday, August 26, 2020

Heat Return;
Fire Update;
652 Cases;
Covid Updates;
Eversole 1906;
Supervisor Angelo;
Now What;
Voter Registration;
1917 Fire;
Feeling Gimpy;
Urchin Culling;
Hart Guilty;
Hodge Bros;
Nurse Tales;
1920 Christmas;
Ed Notes;
Day Two;
Yesterday's Catch;
California Wildfires;
Freedom Sweep;
Todd Grove;
Gonzo Arrest;
Admiration Society;
Train Car;
Greenwood Towns;
National Dialogue;
Morality Pills;
Vaccine Development;
Sentimental Gardener;
Wide Swaths;
Found Object

A Few Covid Updates

Miller Report for the Week of August 24th, 2020 By William Miller, MD – Chief of Staff at Adventist Health – Mendocino Coast Hospital Overall, I believe the COVID situation here on the Coast has…

MCT: Tuesday, August 25, 2020

Storm Remnants;
Smothered Lightning;
645 Cases;
Covid Outreach;
Fire Overview;
Dear Marc;
Early Mendo;
Distance Learning;
Coast Highway;
Muppet Movie;
Ed Notes;
Caspar Store;
Night One;
River Logging;
Critter Extraction;
Union Theatre;
Big Fan;
Yesterday's Catch;
Firefighter Reserves;
Big Logs;
Enough LOLs;
Botts Dots;
Fort Bragg;
War Face;
Objectively Detached;
Biblical Travails;
Out Door;
DNC Message;
Ronnie's World;
Dam Removal;
Mr Zip;
General Strike;
Smoke Cloud;
Climate Fires

MCT: Monday, August 24, 2020

Miguel Ridolfi;
Red Flag;
Walbridge Fire;
629 Cases;
Lost Wages;
Bridge Construction;
Outdoor Church;
River Crossing;
Peter Wells;
1913 Highway;
Yearsley's Column;
Dolph Camilli;
Tropical Storm;
Log Drive;
Pandemic Life;
Coast Dock;
Ed Notes;
Lumber Operations;
Jackson Arrest;
Yesterday's Catch;
Musselwhite Memories;
Boom Brigade;
California Despair;
Owl Cigar;
Crazy Making;
Vintage FB;
Apple Picking;
Found Object

The Secrets of Sequoia Sempervirens

Why redwood trees lead long and healthy lives.

MCT: Sunday, August 23, 2020

Hot Thunderstorms;
Fires Grow;
Stormy Weather;
624 Cases;
Lightning Change;
Meyers Fire;
Third Regiment;
Sleeper Fires;
1959 Fire;
Sheriff Interview;
Bee Shadow;
Log Rafts;
Ed Notes;
Lightning Rods;
Opiate Epidemic;
County Jail;
Highway Fatality;
Yesterday's Catch;
Mugshot Trends;
Norcal Tour;
Hungry Bears;
Come On;
Cannabis Ordinance;
Devil's Den;
The Future;
Downtown FB;
Mormons Fishing;
Better Journalists;
Modern Architecture;
Biden Platform;
West Standley;
Marco Radio;
Found Object

Bay Area Forecast: Lightning Sunday-Tuesday

The National Weather Service - Bay Area (Saturday afternoon) warns that dry lightning and erratic winds caused by thunderstorms expected Sunday morning could spark new wildfires. A moist and unstable midlevel airmass is forecast to…
