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Posts published in “Day: July 29, 2020

MCT: Thursday, July 30, 2020

Ukiah Breaks 200;
Ambulance Protocol;
Showing Rabbits;
CSD Election;
Timber Heyday;
WVFD Fundraiser;
Spiller Popped;
City Council;
Skunk Depot;
Ed Notes;
Not Invited;
Computer Class;
Inner Fauci;
Civic Duty;
Yesterday's Catch;
Go On;
Kenton Strong;
Eviction Crisis;
DNC Platform;
GOP Bill;
Vacate Notice;
KKK Matters;
Damn Machine;
Muir Maligned;
Puppet Show;
Miss Dana;
Green Room;
Sex Worker;
Eternal Graffiti

Letters (July 29, 2020)

When I last wrote in early June San Quentin had just been closed to inmates carrying the Covid-19 virus. No one knows who went against Governor Newsom's order to not move prisoners from prison to prison to prevent the spread of the virus. However, that ship has now sailed

The Williams Problem

WE MENTIONED a few days ago that the Supes had actually created an ad hoc committee to prepare “Policies and procedures for placing items on…
