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Posts published in “Day: July 8, 2020

Mendo Cases = 107

Health Officer COVID-19 Update – July 8, 2020 1. Number of Mendocino COVID-19 cases: 107 (85 recovered; 0 hospitalized; 22 on home isolation; 78 close…

Letters (July 8, 2020)

"Reopening" has created a predictable – and completely preventable – coronavirus resurgence. Low income people desperate to pay for food and rent are forced to go to deadly virus-saturated jobs. Further, as the poor have had their hours and wages cut, the rich accumulate.

Coast Covid Testing Obstacles

Rationing of COVID-19 test kits has plagued state and local governments' response to the pandemic across the country and Mendocino County is no different. Especially…

A Look Back

History anyone? Did anybody out there see the Ukiah Daily Journal of Friday, June 19? They had a picture of my family hacienda on the…

Navarro, 1971: The Rest of the Cast

Though in my last I described The Store as the geographical, economic and social center of the town in 1971, my consort and I soon…

The War On Kitsch

With all the talk of meddling in U. S. elections and bounties on U.S. soldiers, it’s no small wonder that a Russian named Berlin can…

SFDA Office Politics (Cont’d)

(Continuing the memo that awaited District Attorney Hallinan when he got back from a week's vacation on August 12, 2000.  TTH stands for Terence Tyrone…

Hospitality Center Permit Violations

Covid-19 is scary, but have you ever dealt with Lynelle Johnson, Carole White, and Hospitality Center? That was the opening line of an April 25th…

Fort Bragg Police in the Spotlight

The Fort Bragg Police Department got a moment in the spotlight on Thursday, June 23 while detaining a man who was eventually returned to Sacramento…
