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Posts published in June 2020

Anatomy of a Beating

From early 1987 and for about the next 10 years I was employed at a small law office in downtown Oakland. The office consisted of…

Dams for the Breaching

The Lockdown has sparked a renaissance in correspondence. I’ve been exchanging postcards with my mother and letters with my youngest nephew. Emails have gotten longer,…

Off the Record (June 17, 2020)

MOST OF TUESDAY’S BOARD of Supervisors meeting involved a lot of self-congratulation, some of it may even have been deserved. But if doing your well-paid…

Community & Killer Cats

(Before we get rolling here, I’m going to ask that you imagine, before reading the first line of this little time-waster, it coming from the…

Mirror, Mirror On The Car…

At the foot of Phoenix Lake there is a small parking lot where people park their cars and walk the last quarter mile to the…

Valley People (June 17, 2020)

LAST WEEK’S “Vineyard Fire” halfway between Boonville and Yorkville, burned 150 acres. No structures were damaged, injuries reported. Inmate crews did the mop-up. GRATEFUL ANDERSON…

Public Meetings during COVID-19

Back in May, when City staff started planning for the City’s first public City Council meeting, none of us expected the meeting to be centered…
