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Posts published in “Day: June 10, 2020

Coast Notes (June 10, 2020)

ONGOING DEMONSTRATIONS On Tuesday, June 2, hundreds of demonstrators — peaceful, cheering, singing, chanting, mostly young, mostly female — lined Main Street in Fort Bragg,…

Budget Problem? What Budget Problem?

Notes from the Supervisors Agendas for June 9 & 10. MENDO HEALTH OFFICER NOEMI DOOHAN of San Diego is up for another costly extension of…

Social Close-ing

Since mid-March I’ve walked between two and three miles day throughout my village of Ross and two adjacent towns. I learned through experimentation three different…

Ross Mirkarimi Remembers Kayo

FG: How did Terence Hallinan come into your life?  RM: I had been an active in the environmental movement and a founding member of the…

Off the Record (June 10, 2020)

A FEDERAL LAWSUIT has been filed in San Francisco against the Ukiah Police Department by the eminent SoCo attorney, Izaak Swagger, who specializes in police…
