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Posts published in October 2019

Letters (October 9, 2019)

I see once again Ukiah’s fearless City leaders are going down the wrong road again literally with the State Street strangulation project.

Head of State

The body politic has human parts: head, limbs, heart. That body has an abundance of these in the case of the royal giant that brandishes sword and scepter on the frontispiece of Leviathan of Thomas Hobbes. This…

Can Mendo Salvage its Failed Pot Permit Program?

(An exchange at Tuesday’s Board of Supervisors meeting) Supervisor Ted Williams opened the discussion by proposing the use of satellite imagery for code enforcement to identify Mendo pot grows/growers who do not have permits or…

Budgets & Buildings at Coast Hospital

At a September 26 meeting the Board of Directors of Mendocino Coast District Hospital (MCDH) approved a new budget for the remainder of the 2019-2020 fiscal year. That budget shows a projected positive net income…

An Introvert Walks into a Bar

Once a week I treat myself to breakfast at a diner. It used to be breakfast with my wife, but she died, damn it, so now it's just breakfast alone at the diner. Same diner…

Hitchhiking to Oblivion

It was one of those extraordinary teenage friendships formed in elementary school. Two buds joined at the hip. Best friends always and forever. Neighbors who played, slept, and ate at one another's houses. Sisters by…
